{Introduction, proposal written by Admins goes here.}
‘Alexandria’ is a learners based approach to onboard members into a DAO. Those who choose to participate in the Bridge Builders have greater opportunity to work for emerging networks. Builders have a chance to build new teams and find work offered by a wide array of networks that support the BBD. BBD is Volunteer led, and granted by foundations to deliver to the networks with the intent to scale, educate and develop the future of blockchain technologies.
Members join our Telegram, they are greeted by the entire BBD community. DAO Operators immediately follow up and ask for new members to introduce themselves. We ask what passions, goals or interests new members have to get to know them better.
A DAO Operator will review these interests to better guide the Bridge Builder to a **Channel** where ****the new member would benefit most!
Channels are groups created by our DAO operators that are facilitated by the community. The BBD focuses on finding new Community interest, developer talent and job postings that are aligned with all of the BBD Channel’s purpose.
A BBD Dao Operator will help introduce the member to a channel → A community of similar talent according to one’s own interests. However, new BBD members have the freedom to choose which channel’s they participate in on their own behalf 👍
Team work makes the dream work!
All channels have open ended access to the BBD lesson plan dashboard. The Bridge Builders DAO ensures BBD channels have a shared library of information to enhance the channel’s ability to network and engage with one another.
We nicknamed this the Decentralized Library of Alexandria; Workshops, lesson plans..cheat sheets, helpful guides, best practices, mentorship (anything the Talent of the DAO can offer)
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“Let's find new opprotunitys”
Need to contact us immediately?
Join our Discord or introduce yourself in our telegram.
Every week we meet, use Alexandria Method and find opprotunitys for our BBD members.
**Learn together, build together 💙**
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Badges are similar to Certificates
Lesson plans will come with a Proof of Attendance NFT badge : POAP’s are NFT’s that behave as a proof for one’s own knowledge of a particular subject that they engaged with at no particular time. Some BBD channels may require incoming members to have additional insight in order to effectively participate in the channel's conversations.
All BBD members may fundraise and vote for who will author new lesson plans to be publicly posted → Decentralized Education.